Brian Wright, MD


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Brian Wright, MD recently completed his psychiatry residency at Piedmont Macon Medical Center. Dr. Wright earned his MD from Mercer School of Medicine in 2019. He also studied Theology, earning his Master of Divinity at Mercer University and served as pastor for over ten years. Prior to joining Mercer Medicine, Dr. Wright practiced psychiatry at Crossroads Christian Counseling in Macon in addition to his residency practice.  Dr Wright sees patients from ages 13 and older for depression and anxiety, PTSD, OCD, psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, insomnia, addiction and other related mood disorders.

Provider Location

Mercer Medicine Downtown Macon
250 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Macon, GA 31201
8am - 5pm M-F


(478) 301-4111

(478) 301-5111

(478) 301-5812

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